Lagi gambar kashful

I'm tired of people commenting that Im too young to be a sepecialist...its the knowledge and experience that counts , not one's age..but i guess i should have expected this kind of attitude in our community ...Anyway..kashful had his first haircut recently..tadaa..suzi kata macam askar prebet..

kashful's photos

lagi gambar kashful..
he now can roll over from front to back and vice versa, dah makan nestum beras, next week im introducing him to rusks..dah pandai baca paper plak tu..berkerut kerut muka, marah kalau ambik paper dari dia..

yey now i can concentrate on kashful

Finally all the hardwork and tears paid off...ive passed my final mrcp more intensive studying for the rest of my life.My plan is to concentrate on my family - abg zahrul and kashful..:)..sekarang kahsful dah besar, org ingat dia dah 6 bulan, padahal belum pun masuk 4 bulan.Na ni kashful pakai baju tina beli.